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Posted on Fri, Jan 7, 2011 : 11:54 a.m.

Jim Carrey a knockout in 'I Love You Phillip Morris'

By Freelance Journalist

I Love You Phillip Morris Opens today at the Michigan Theater Review by Corey Hall of the Metro Times Grade: B+


Progress can be slow even in Hollywood, and the road from invisible to prestigious for gay screen characters stretched for roughly 30 years, though, in some ways, our actors have yet to reach the final destination. Many big names remain in the closet, others are relegated to supporting players.

Meanwhile, straight male leads can don "pink face" and predictably queue up for accolades and awards-show red carpets. And so Jim Carrey joins the long procession of gay-for-pay icons, alongside the likes of William Hurt, Tom Hanks, Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, etc. While the politics of such casting remain murky, what is crystal clear is that in "I Love You Phillip Morris," Jim Carrey gives one of the nerviest, boldest performances of his sporadically brilliant career.

Read the full review here