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Posted on Mon, Apr 5, 2010 : 1:11 p.m.

It's the old one-two shuffle

By Chris Wucherer

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You know how it goes: two-steps forward and one-step back. It's the dance of life - we move forward, and then life happens and we feel a push back. Although frustrating, it's nothing to worry about; it's natural - the yin and yang of things. We all experience it.

Last week I was going merrily along my life path when zing, life pushed back, hurtling some frustrations at me like serves in a tennis match gone awry. The trick is to not let life's push back's hold you back. Put on your rain gear, hiking gear or whatever metaphorical gear will help you keep MOVING FORWARD.

Here are some Saner Living Tips to help you keep on keeping on, in your right direction:

* Share your push-back vignette with a trusted person.
* Center yourself and take in some focused deep breaths.
* Set one or two positive daily intentions connected to your life vision/
* Remind yourself 'it's not the end of the world.'
* Stay away from creating stories about the push back.

It's your life, make it happen!

Chris writes a blog and has a Web site. You can reach her at 734-669-7202 or by e-mail.