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Posted on Sun, Jun 13, 2010 : 3 a.m.

Visualize a deeper meditation

By Susan Scott Morales, MSW

tall oak.jpg

Photo by Fllickr user General Wesc

In last week’s blog I suggested contemplating what you’d like to improve in your life. I promised to offer a technique to help. Since this blog’s focus is meditation, I assume most readers are hoping to take their meditation experiences deeper.

As I said last week, meditation is a transferable skill, so you can use the following idea for any area of your life. The art of visualization is to transform the present moment into what you desire in the future (whether that’s one minute or five years from now).

Using meditation as the example, imagine you’re sitting in your usual meditation place. You’re distracted but to an outside observer you may appear completely tranquil. Perhaps you're aware of tension in your gut, or your mind playing its familiar rants.

Now visualize another person, or something in nature, that you perceive as deep in meditation. I find using a tree is very easy. Do a complete visual scan, 360 degrees, of your chosen object/person. Notice subtleties that you’d miss at a quick glance. If you're picturing a tree, include what the roots might look like. Imagine the feeling under the surface, the quiet, the ease. Perhaps you can hear or smell something soothing. Stay with this image and let it take you deeper.

As a mental health professional, an owner of a fitness studio, a writer and a wife, mother and grandmother, I have found meditation to be helpful in every aspect of my life. Let's talk ... My novel, "A Barroom View of Love," is in an online contest. To read a chapter and vote go to You can also contact me at or check out my websites: and


Susan Scott Morales, MSW

Mon, Jun 14, 2010 : 6:01 a.m.

Nature has so much to offer. All we have to do is listen, right? Thanks, Linda.

Linda Chapman

Sun, Jun 13, 2010 : 11:01 p.m.

Oh yes! Mother Tree... that majestic beauty in Bird Hills park. She's always had much to teach, and this is a whole new way to learn from her. Thank you for this wonderful suggestion!

Susan Scott Morales, MSW

Sun, Jun 13, 2010 : 10:57 a.m.

Thanks for adding to the blog. Love your ideas!

Will Jaynes

Sun, Jun 13, 2010 : 8:17 a.m.

I like the image of the tree. Others for me involve water: a river, waves on a beach, rain.