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Posted on Tue, Jul 13, 2010 : 5:56 a.m.

Entry #7: Gerry Navarre's true blue Michigan wildflower garden

By Pam Stout

Summer Garden Contest entry #7 by Gerry Navarre


Photo courtesy of Gerry Navarre

Last month we asked you to tell us about your garden, and we received many beautiful photos and stories about creative gardens around town.

Gerry Navarre's wildflower garden is entry #7 to our Summer Garden Contest. Click below this story in the "More Info" section to check out previous entries.

Navarre describes his garden as follows:


Echium plantagineum. If you look closely you can see bees in this photo.

Photo courtesy of Gerry Navarre

"My flower garden is an experiment to see if I can increase honey production for my bees. I spent a lot of time last fall and winter trying to discover what were the highest pollen and nectar producing flowers available for honeybees. Most of the information was found online and all the seeds were purchased online. Some were only available in quantity from overseas. This spring I tilled about 1.5 acres of my yard and planted 14 varieties of flowers, some that are now starting to bloom. I should have blooms coming for the rest of the summer. "I photo documented the whole process from killing the grass and tilling to the blooms starting to come in. I would be glad to share those photos if you are interested. This photo of the Echium is good for the Michigan fans. The block M was chainsawed from a tree stump.

"The flowers I’ve planted are the Echium (Blue Weed), Phacelia (Purple Tansy), Lavender, California Bluebells, Babys Breath, Baby Blue Eyes, Lemon Balm, American Basketflower, Chinese Forget-me-not, Cornflower, Wild Bergamot, Coriander, Fireweed and Milkweed. "Sure beats mowing the lawn!"

Like Navarre's garden? Keep watching this space daily to see more beautiful entries to our Summer Garden Contest.

After we've showcased all the gardens that were submitted, we'll post a poll and let you vote on your favorite. The garden with the most votes at the close of the poll will be featured in an upcoming story in the print edition of



Wed, Jul 14, 2010 : 5:56 a.m.

Wonderful picture & story! I would like to see the process - how the meadow was created. Please post pictures & story or e-mail to me. Thanks.