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Posted on Wed, Jun 19, 2013 : 5:41 p.m.

Deputy and horse fall into creek after small bridge gives way during crossing

By Kyle Feldscher


A Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office deputy riding a horse was injured when a small bridge collapsed late Wednesday afternoon.

Courtney Sacco |

Editor's note: This story has been updated as information became available.

A small bridge over a creek collapsed when a Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office deputy riding a horse crossed it, and the deputy was injured, officials said.

Sheriff’s office spokesman Derrick Jackson said the deputy was out on patrol as a part of The Ballin’ Series, a free basketball program put on in the MacArthur Boulevard neighborhood of Superior Township from 4 to 6 p.m. on Wednesdays.


A Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office deputy riding a horse was injured when a small bridge collapsed.

Courtney Sacco |

Jackson said the deputy was crossing a small walkway over a creek toward the basketball court just before 5 p.m. Wednesday when the structure gave-way. The horse and deputy fell into the creek, Jackson said.

Ballin’ on the Boulevard is a free eight-week 3-on-3 basketball tournament put on by the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office in the tennis courts near MacArthur Boulevard.

The severity of the deputy’s injuries are not yet known, but he was transported by Huron Valley Ambulance at 5:32 p.m. Wednesday and was in stable condition.

The horse was not injured, Jackson said.

View Bridge Collapse in a larger map

Kyle Feldscher covers cops and courts for He can be reached at or you can follow him on Twitter.


Kyle Feldscher

Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 1:48 p.m.

I received an email from Sgt. Geoff Fox this morning with some information I did not previously know. These horses used for horse patrols are owned by the deputies who ride them and do not cost the WCSO anything, per Sgt. Fox.


Fri, Jun 21, 2013 : 12:40 a.m.

Yeah questions for the people who keep you safe everyday

Mr. Ed

Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 1:58 p.m.

Who would cover the vet expenses if the horse is injured? Are they real deputies or reserves with less training? Who would cover the deputies hospital bills? Lost of questions.

Mr. Ed

Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 1:42 p.m.

I figured since I'm Mr. Ed I should make a comment. Sure hope the horse is ok. He should be checked by the vet. May the deputy recovery quick!

Nicholas Urfe

Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 12:45 p.m.

Some people have absolutely no horse sense.


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 12:35 p.m.

I hope the horse is okay


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 11:15 a.m.

Horse and rider approximately 1100 pounds, I am thinking did he cross this bridge safely before. I wonder when the last time these type of PEDESTRIAN bridges were inspected for rotten boards. @ ANN23 a lot of people put these leg wraps on their horses for transporting them in the trailers.


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 11:14 a.m.

I see my comment stating that taking a 1,100 lb. horse onto a small bridge wasn't very wise. Is stating common sense and physics against the commenting guidelines, or does truly believe that our police departments are infallible and immune to criticism?


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 1:36 p.m.

It makes you wonder what fine line might have been crossed to have comments some comments deleted


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 11:38 a.m.

My reply was deleted and I gave the deputy the benefit of the doubt as i pointed out he may have safely crossed the bridge before.


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 11:15 a.m.

*my comment was deleted that was stating...


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 10:45 a.m.

The deputy with any kind of sense should of know that the bridge would not hold the weight of the horse.


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 4:12 a.m.

Noticeably: there apparently are not any weight restrictions posted for "foot bridges." Hope this deputy recovers and is able to return to duty. Lord knows, there are a lot of people who think they know how to do that job but far fewer actually show up to do it.


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 2:54 a.m.

Splash, hope the Deputy is okay.

Nicholas Urfe

Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 12:48 a.m.

Cops on bikes are far more effective, much less expensive... and lighter.


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 1:39 p.m.

Here is the argument for you point… The sheriff department mounted patrol is a volunteer program and the horses cost the sheriff department $0.00.

Nicholas Urfe

Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 12:43 p.m.

"Also, try racing a horse with a good rider with your bike. Again, no comparison." Exactly - horses are for racing in the country, or at the track, not fighting crime. See how a horse does on a hard, slippery surface. Or how it does running through traffic or on a sidewalk. Ever see a horse run down stairs? A bike cop can drop his bike and continue a chase on foot. It isn't even a contest in terms of use of public funds. Hence the widespread elimination of police horses. They're a waste. Pun not intended.

Nicholas Urfe

Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 12:38 p.m.

Yeah, Whopper, I would know. Feel free to post some numbers if you want to challenge my point. The vast majority of cities have eliminated horse patrols because they are completely ineffective at fighting crime. They also know. If people want to go see the pretty horsies, they should go to a farm or a zoo, etc.


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 5:28 a.m.

Also, try racing a horse with a good rider with your bike. Again, no comparison.


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 5:13 a.m.

Officers on bikes are less expensive and lighter for obvious reasons but, a horse can quickly go places a bike can't. Try riding a horse up a sand dune vs a bike. Or across a fairly low river (even the Huron in certain places at certain times) or creek. No comparison. But, really Whopper89...


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 5:01 a.m.

Oh yeah, and you would know, right?

Ann English

Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 12:28 a.m.

I missed the last sentence at first, until another reader commented on it; looking at the photo, it was easy to conclude the white horse got hurt. With Barbaro of the 2006 Preakness Stakes, and Eight Belles in the 2008 Kentucky Derby getting laminitis or double injuries necessitating euthanasia, it's the first thing I think of when a horse injures an ankle or leg.


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 4:54 a.m.

*i live with him*


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 4:53 a.m.

The horse is fine only a couple cuts at most. I know because i with him. Nothing is wrong with his legs. Never was.


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 3:08 a.m.

Not to mention breeding for lighter, less dense bones that help increase speed in race horses. Another issue altogether.


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 2:58 a.m.

laminitis/founder is more like arthritis. Something that either develops over time or with regular overuse.


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 2:29 a.m.

The boots on the grey horse do not mean he was very recently injured. They are actually not uncommon to see on a horse and can mean a number of different things. Kind of like seeing a basketball player wearing an ankle or knee brace in high school. They're not the same as a cast or bandage..


Wed, Jun 19, 2013 : 11:30 p.m.

I was thinking of trying this just the other day, too, but we went sky-diving instead


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 1:54 p.m.

That explains the dirty hail we got in our yard, I guess.


Thu, Jun 20, 2013 : 4:28 a.m.

@quetzalcoatl, you and your horse went sky-diving? That must have been one hell of a sky-dive!!!


Wed, Jun 19, 2013 : 10:26 p.m.

Hope the Deputy is okay! Kind of a good cause to walk away injured from. Bummer