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Posted on Tue, Feb 28, 2012 : 2:52 p.m.

Salem Township should not have fired Mark Hamilton as fire chief

By Letters to the Editor

In my life, there have been many people outside of my family that have had an impact on my life’s path; few have had a major impact. Mark Hamilton is a man who has had a major impact.

It has been almost 10 years since I graduated high school. As many high-schoolers, I was unsure of my future and where I would pursue a career. Mark Hamilton suggested to me to apply to Salem Township’s Fire Department. I can remember the day that he spoke with me about it like it was yesterday. Little did I know how much that suggestion would affect the rest of my life.

I applied with Salem and was hired. I then took my fire academy and EMS training up to a paramedic licensure. I worked at Salem as paid-on-call firefighter for 4 years. Because of the chance that Mark took with me, I am currently a full-time firefighter with the city of Dearborn. I make a good wage that can support my family and enjoy a wonderful life. I owe more than I can give to that man.

The actions taken by the Salem Township board by firing Mark this evening (Feb. 14) are simply atrocious. They have taken an upstanding man, citizen, and fire chief and attempted to tarnish his name. This man has done nothing to deserve the treatment he has received from the board.

I only hope that the board can realize the grave mistake they have made, and that the citizens of Salem Township will not suffer for their personal disagreements and vendettas.

Joshua T. Barry Salem Township