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Posted on Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 3:40 p.m.

President Barack Obama vs. Sarah Palin? Both to deliver keynote addresses in Michigan May 1

By Juliana Keeping

When President Barack Obama stops by Ann Arbor May 1, Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska and 2008 vice presidential candidate, will be nearby.


Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin delivers remarks at the Orange County Republican Executive Committee Lincoln Day Dinner, at the Rosen Shingle Creek, March 12 in Orlando, Fla.

AP Photo

The Detroit Free Press reported Palin will speak at the Defending the American Dream Summit in Clarkston May 1, the same day Obama is set to address University of Michigan graduates and pick up an honorary Doctor of Laws degree. The Free Press picked up the news from a statement released by Americans for Prosperity, a national organization connected to the Tea Party Movement, which advocates for low taxation and limited government, its story says.


President Barack Obama speaks about health care reform at the Patriot Center at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., March 19.

AP Photo | Charles Charapak

What do you make of the timing of Palin's engagement with Obama's? Which one of them you rather listen to? Take our poll and tell us what you think in the comments section below.

U-M should have commencement ticket information available around April 1. Check this U-M Web site for updates.

Juliana Keeping covers higher education for Reach her at or 734-623-2528. Follow Juliana Keeping on Twitter


Chrysta Cherrie

Mon, Mar 22, 2010 : 4:25 p.m.

Comments containing personal attacks were removed.


Mon, Mar 22, 2010 : 9:52 a.m.

Bailin' Palin? Who wanted to be Vice-President of the United States, but then couldn't manage to stick out the last year and a half of her term as Governor of Alaska, the state with fewer residents than the city of Detroit? In her inaugural speech as governor, way back in December 2006, she told Alaskans to hold her accountable. In July of last year she resigned from the governorship, 18 months before the end of her term, claiming that the large number of ethics probes that she had to defend herself against had made it impossible for her to govern effectively. Good choice, Teabaggers.


Mon, Mar 22, 2010 : 8:09 a.m.

Obama is a horrible DISASTER and America has realized he is a progressive and a communist. Obama is hell-bent on bringing down America. What we are seeing is obama happily & intentionally managing Americas DECLINE. We are know bankrupt and obama, pelosi, Reid and the rest of congress are criminals. 100% of everything out of Obama mouth is a lie!! 100%

John B.

Mon, Mar 22, 2010 : 2:32 a.m.

If any of you are wondering why this poll is leaning towards Palin, you must know that over at "Team Sarah" they are instructing all their team members to come to this site and vote "early and often." They do it on every poll that comes out with Palin in it. They marked this poll as "critical." They say that about every poll. They TRY to create the illusion that Palin is gaining popularity when in reality it is a bunch of people sitting in their basements in their pajamas voting repeatedly. What a joke.


Sat, Mar 20, 2010 : 11:17 p.m.

If I want to be lied to and walk away frustrated, I guess I will listen to Obama. However, I rather be inspired. I'd rather listen to someone who has a spine, who is witty, who kicks ass, and who truly believes in the country she lives in. Palin over Obama any day.

Tasha G.

Sat, Mar 20, 2010 : 9:20 p.m.

Sarah Palin used a teleprompter at the Republican National Convention when McCain introduced her as his VP running mate. In fact, she's used one at every formal speaking event she's participating in except the Tea Party convention where she wrote on her hand instead. Bobby Jindal used one during his disasterous rebuttal after President Obama's first State of the Union speech. Bush I and II, Clinton (both President and Secretary of State) and the GOP's beloved Gipper all used teleprompters. A teleprompter is pretty standard equipment much like a microphone and a podium, making the question of its use the sorriest of strawman arguments ever. I'm more curious about that $100,000 speaking fee she accepted from her anti-tax Tea Party friends, the fee that she said she was going to "donate" to some Tea Bag cause or some such. Heavens no, she didn't pocket that cash and buy a new pelt for her and her brood of kids back in Alaska. No, she wouldn't do that. Just because she had over a dozen ethics violations levied against her when she quit her job as governor (two years into her first term no less) there's really no indication that her own ethical compass is a little off. And when she had her husband reading government emails and actively participating in government business, that too was nothing to concern ourselves with and its mention is just more mean-spiritedness by the socialist Democratic Party who are forcing affordable health care options down the throat of the 30 million people in this country who don't have coverage. There's nothing "controversial" about a major institution like U-M having the POTUS receive an honorary degree and speak at its commencement. While it's nice that Mrs. Palin will be in the great state of Michigan at the same time, she will be a footnote in comparison to who WILL be in the state that day. And if the First Lady comes, its game over for Team Palin.


Sat, Mar 20, 2010 : 8:30 p.m.

Myself? I would hope that people chose NOT to protest Obama at a graduation, after all - the ceremony really isn't about Obama - it's about the graduates. That said, if it were a venue that a person could actually ask the president questions and get REAL answers - I think I'd ask him why the American flag is no longer allowed to be flown at the American compounds where our military is distributing aid to the earthquake victims in Haiti. Other countries fly their flags, why have we taken ours down? Is this some sort of 'apology'? Should we not be proud to be Americans who are there for the relief efforts? Have Americans not given MORE money to benefit the Hatians than any other country? Have Americans not given more privately than the citizens of any other country? When I see Americans coming together for a common cause and being so generous for the people of another nation I feel good, I am proud to be a part of this great country... So why the shame? Why hide our flag?

Mike Sanders

Sat, Mar 20, 2010 : 7:10 p.m.

An interesting match-up for sure. Barack Obama vs. Sarah Palin, sounds like a prelude to 2012. The issues are all there even, they have been there since the last election. The fact is Obama has done very little in that time he's been in office and Palin has done a lot since she quit the governorship. I can't help but have the nagging feeling Sarah Palin is going to somehow get herself into the White House. The fact is she's President material, knows how to talk to voters, and thinks differently than most in Washington today. The mess we find ourselves in is a product of how government has been thinking for the last 40 years. That kind of mentality has led to bigger government, larger budgets, and more interference in our everyday lives. It's also led to a deficit that is not sustainable and will bankrupt us on its current course in no time flat. Barry the Photocopier has made a crisis into an even bigger crisis, with no end in sight. I can clearly see the winds shifting in Palin's favor, and I see that as a good thing. I think she is the right person for the job. She has the uncanny ability to turn bad situations around into good situations. She did well as governor of Alaska too, and because she is a women she has that playing in her favor as well. She does show plenty of signs of intelligence and leadership, yet a bit off the wall. But off the wall people are sometimes exactly what is needed. I would go with seeing Palin all the way, what possibly new is Obama going to have to say? Palin will be the next President of the United States.


Sat, Mar 20, 2010 : 6 p.m.

Whether Palin is the second coming of Einstein or dumber than a box of rocks is beside the point. The agendas that she and and the president are promoting are the important points. Look at which agenda is best for you and your children. Chances are, unless you are a multimillionaire, Sarah's agenda is not in your best interest.

Shirley Zempel

Sat, Mar 20, 2010 : 3:08 p.m.

I'll take the President any time. Why would anyone juxtapose a talk by Palin with a speech by President Obama? I don't understand. Well, the circus just keeps going.

Phineas Gage IV

Sat, Mar 20, 2010 : 2:36 p.m.

I'll take Palin over the manchurian president any time. I don't remember the interviewer but the only serious interview Obama has had was earlier in the week on FOX when "health care" was the subject. He made a lot of noise and was completely ignorant of what was asked--hemming and hawing without the teleprompter which is par for the course.


Sat, Mar 20, 2010 : 1:47 p.m.

Thanks for comparing the president of the United States speaking to the U of M graduating class to a talk show host that blatantly lies and spreads misinformation speaking at a rally. I am sure there are other people speaking in the state that day to various other groups, can you get me a list? I also like how you gave the talk show host top billing with her photo in the top spot in the article. Anything to sell newspapers,eh ROTFLMAO

Phineas Gage IV

Sat, Mar 20, 2010 : 1:05 p.m.

One speaker is a retired governor who can deliver an extemporaneous speech with a note or two written on her palms; the other speaker can't deliver a speech unless he reads from a teleprompter the words some else has to put in his mouth. Unfortunately, Obama fooled a lot of people, and he occupies the white house. Palin is real. Obama faked a lot of people out, and a nation is finally figuring it out.

Jon Saalberg

Sat, Mar 20, 2010 : 11:16 a.m.

@stunhsif: Socialism refers to the various theories of economic organization which advocate either public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources says Wikipedia. What exactly is the problem with that? Seems like most people who define the President's policies this way have no idea what the word means. If sharing the wealth is covered by this definition, then conservatives out there better give up their devotion to paid sports, because most of them have revenue sharing.


Sat, Mar 20, 2010 : 9:50 a.m.

I'm sorry, but when you ask the president to speak, it should not be in conjunction with any other speaker, plain and simple. When you get to be president you don't compete for the microphone for a two hour service. U o M I am disappointed--couldn't she, or anyone else for that matter, speak next year?


Sat, Mar 20, 2010 : 9:38 a.m.

March 20, 2010 Goodmorning My Friend, What a decision! Who do you visit first? We are so very fortunate to have these wonderful people in our country who dedicate their lives for what they believe the Constitution and where we are going. I would like to visit them both! Ann Arbor should open the big house for future reference: An early debate? Where is Michelle? This gal give up $200,000 annual employ to be our First Lady! Add that up! Tomorrow will be her day for the House of Representatives vote on passing the health care bill! May the best win! Again, my Constitution is anxious for all and I thank them for being there, here, and for Ann Arbor, keep those registers ringing! Your friend, Dawn


Sat, Mar 20, 2010 : 6:56 a.m.

Not sure if I dare speak as Stefanie has the power to "censor" my words, however not my thoughts. I will leave it at this both Obama and Palin are about as experienced as a Freshman boxer. Boxing is not a college sport for those that did not know that. This is not about Republicans vs Democrats, it is about leadership and direction and both are going down the wrong roads. Given the worst of two evils I'll keep my gun sir, thank you! There is a reason the U of M got stuck with Obama. He fits right in with their teachings of our youth! I hope it rains and rains on that day in infamy May 1, 2010. May that much talked about bridge gets washed out, not the one to nowhere but the one near that multimillion dollar stadium.


Sat, Mar 20, 2010 : 4:21 a.m.

The comparison should really be made between Jerry Seinfeld who is playing in Detroit and Sarah Palin who is the Mad Hatter at the Tea Party. Which one gives us more laughs?


Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 11:29 p.m.

Agreed. Obama won't touch welfare reform because it's his constituency, yet he wants to deny seniors the benefits of the systems they paid into for years. Millions of people who have never paid taxes get to live fully off the government for years, but Obama is quite happy to make cuts for those who paid in.


Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 10:43 p.m.

When was the last time any of you "smart" people heard Palin speak. She is far more on the ball than Biden, a fool and embarrassment yet he is a great VP for the teleprompter-in-cheif who thinks there are 58 states, refers to "corpsman" over and over because the telepromtper can't tell him a letter is silent but he is the commander in chief. Palin was called on too early in her self-made career (unlike Obama who was chosen and had handlers along the way -- the corrupt Chicago way). A Constitutional law professor who knows less about the Constitution than a 3rd year law student and is intent on trampling on it (how bills become law through trickery and gimmicks is irrelvant). I don't remember hearing Palin say she disliked the Constitution and all its negative constraints on the federal government or that she was upset because the US Supreme Court has failed to engage in redistributive wealth schemes like Obama has stated. You smart people can look those up -- all recorded comments of Obama. If all the liberals living off a government job or their parents would just mail in all their money to the government and rely on those in power to do the right thing, we'd quickly have no liberals. It's your quest for other people's money (to help support you) that keeps you yapping about government goodness.


Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 10:35 p.m.

If a university invites such a controversial figure as President Obama to speak, then it should expect protests. He is pressuring politicians to commit trillions of dollars to a very complicated health care plan that even he does not appear to have a grasp of. So the protests are very appropriate. If the University wanted to save money on security, it could have invited someone more agreeable, less expensive in terms of resources, and more educational than this president.


Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 9:35 p.m.

Wow - this became an interesting topic. I am really glad the people who reply are doing so with some class and REAL opinions rather than immature name calling. I have a lot of good friends in Alaska - for the most part they like Palin. What you have to remember about the people of that state - they are NOT pretentious and big 'smart sounding' words don't impress them; they like the fact that they have a politician that spoke TO them and not AT them. Or worse yet - down at them. She left office for several reasons and the people of her state supported her decision. One of the main reasons she stepped down was due to the fact that so many people had come into the state and filed suits against the governor and this cost the state money. None of these suit turned out to be anything - however, they still cost the tax payers money. What most people don't realize is that ANYONE can file a lawsuit - for any reason. Whether it gets tossed out of court or not will be determined after it is filed and after the defendant answers the court. Therefore every suit must be taken seriously until its dropped, tossed or it is determined to have merit. When people equate the degree or the school from which a degree was earned with 'intelligence' - they are really showing just how little they really know about basic intelligence and aptitude. They are more impressed with a label than the substance of the education and the overall ability of a person to take what they have learned and apply it well. Seriously - if you were being charged with a crime like murder - who would you prefer to represent you in court? A law professor at Harvard that has never stepped into a courtroom or an attorney that graduated from a not so impressive law school but has won the majority of the capital cases he/she has defended? When it comes right down to it - Palin actually ran a city and a state. Obama did not have that kind of experience. As a legislator he really didn't do a lot. Palin wrote notes on her hand. Guess what. I've done that. I'm not an idiot. I have never used a teleprompter and I have had to give a speech here or there. I've written a speech but just prior to going to the podium a few key issues were brought up that I didn't really address - thus a few words written on my hand (if I didn't have a note card) and those points would not be forgotten. To equate doing THAT with being an idiot or less than intelligent is really out of line. If you want to reaaaallllyyyy compare speakers, Palin is actually a better speaker OFF the teleprompter than Obama is. While Obama can read quite well and come off as if he's speaking 'off the cuff', once that teleprompter is down or has a glitch, he's lost. He stammers, repeats himself, says "UH, UM, AH" every couple of words and is generally quite difficult to follow. And hunestly, I though Bush made some real gaffs... Obama makes them too. "Corpse-men" made me cringe. I'd love to see a viable third party. I really would. But I don't think this is the time to have one jump into the arena. At the moment there are a lot of people who are dissatisfied; Indies, Repubs and Dems. I'd like to see the people of this state, this country get rid of ANY incumbent that has not represented their constituents they way they want to be represented. We seem to forget - we basically elect people from our own cities, counties. People who are NOT all that different than ourselves. They have jobs, they have the values of our communities and they are the single voice we CHOOSE to speak on all of our behalf. What happens - or when does it happen - that these people suddenly become MORE than our voices and begin representing their own desires, beliefs and the beliefs of a party that may not be in line with what we believe? The day that they ignore US and do the will of the party over the will of their people is the day they no longer represent US. And the longer we allow them to do that - they more out of touch they are with US. These people are making deals and doing things in a manner that most us us would NEVER do in our lives or with/to the people we deal with on a daily basis. They are doing things that most of us would be angry about if it was done TO us. And these people are no better than we are, they are not really smarter than we are - they just believe they are. These people are making trillion dollar decisions that will affect every one of us - and our children and grandchildren - and not a whole hellava lot of 'em have ever run a business. They're making decisions about health care - how many of them are doctors? Practicing doctors? Who actually saw/have/had patients? We have people running the Treasury and the IRS that have 'made mistakes' (BIG ONES) on their own taxes... Yet they are the experts? And people wonder why things are so screwed up. Yikes - sorry - this stuff just kills me. LOL!


Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 8:38 p.m.

I love all these A2 "talking heads" saying Sarah Palin is not smart or implying that she is dumb. She was elected Gov. of Alaska, what the heck have any of you done with your life? I'll take her over your socialist president in a New York second. Obama is going to have the entire USA looking like the state of Michigan pretty soon. Very sad indeed.


Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 8:37 p.m.

Hey Ram, when you talk about domestic welfare are referring to union labor? How can anyone blame President Obama for the state of woes. He put the auto industry union members on the tazpayer welfare role. No unwed mother ever got as sweet a deal on welfare as the auto unions.

Jon Saalberg

Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 8:13 p.m.

@jimbo: Let's see. Go ask Alaskans how much they like her now since she abandoned her elected duty to make a buck; didn't tell the truth about the oil money; doesn't tell the truth now, with regards to her behavior during the election; supports the Tea Party contingent, which are virtual poster children for collective ignorance regarding American history and governement. I'll stick with our current President, thank you.


Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 7:27 p.m.

I wonder how much Al Gore has made spewing his global warming lies? I am not saying Palin is qualified to be president. However we have a saying around my house referring to educated fools! It took a quite a few EDUCATED fools to get us in this mess. So don't look down your nose at someone who is "not well educated". We already have an elitist in the Whitehouse. Regarding crib notes I am somewhat confident she at least wrote them herself! As opposed to most politicians that have to have a dozen speechwriters and then THEY have to read from a teleprompter. Explain to me how intelligent that is? Maybe Joe Biden should try crib notes so he could keep his foot out of his mouth!


Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 7:19 p.m.

Let's see here. Sarah Palin runs her home town town and is wildly popular as Mayor, takes on the establishment of her own party to be elected Governor, puts Alaska heavily in the black, has an 80+% approval rating before be selected as VP nominee. Barry is a "community organizer", does work for Acorn, gets elected to the State of Illinois legislature and misses over 30% of his votes, gets elected as US Senator after exposing dirt on Jack Ryan and running practically unopposed, spends less than 2 years in the senate and gets elected President because of the idiot in the White House, signs all the Democrat run Congress' spending into law, and in just over a year in office has proposed to take the country into debt further than all his predecessors combined since the founding of the Republic, and has a lower approval rating than when Monkey Bush left office. However he sure is a good speaker, so let's go listen to him!


Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 6:10 p.m.

Discussing President Obama and Sarah Pailin in the same article is not newsworthy. What Ms. Pailin does should not be connected to the President in any way, shape or form. I wonder how much Palin expects to be paid by her anti-tax-paying followers?


Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 5:40 p.m.

The GOP is archaic, lazy, self-serving, and out of touch with America. I think the current era of Republican and Democratic parties needs to go. No longer do we argue over what government should do - spend our money and wars overseas or on domestic welfare programs? Now we are debating the role of government - the Statists, who naively believe in the textbook vision of the all powerful government, and those who stand for Liberty (who will hopefully, with time, be properly represented by a stable Political Party similar to the Tea Party movement)


Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 5:21 p.m.

I worry a bit about the Tea Party movement also, that they could possibly run candidates that could potentially mire more conservative candidates in races against eachother and allow someone we no longer want in office to walk right back in. As far as what President Obama has to say - I think he said a lot - before he was elected. Unfortunately he has yet to bring any of those promises to fruition. I wish he'd just shut up and listen to what the American people want rather than pushing what he and some of the more progressive members of his party on us by force. Sarah Palin the 'leader' of the Tea Party movement - not hardly. She is a speaker that people want to hear. She comes across as an 'every person' and speaks about the same issues that most normal middleclass people talk about. There really are NO leaders within the Tea Party, most of the people are just there. There are organizers - but those are just regular people who made the decision to get involved. They pretty much volunteer to do what they do. When people stop allowing the media to make their decisions and judgements for them. Ie. Sarah Palin is 'stupid' because Mr. Gibbs and Keith Olberman said so.... Or Obama is not a citizen because World Net News (or whatever it is) says so... And they begin looking at the facts themselves and making informed decisions based upon their own morals and values and what best suits them - things will get better and they will change. But it won't happen until that happens. To the previous poster - I have to ask - what makes you believe that Palin is the 'leader' of the Tea Party movement? If its because MSNBC says so - well they also said Rush Limbaugh (ECK! Barfy Face) was the leader of the GOP. I believe they say it's that Glen Beck guy now. Tomorrow it might be that dog on the viral videos that won't eat a treat when the people say it's an Obama treat... (Rolling Eyes) I graduated from U of M, but I wouldn't waste my time going to see Obama speak. I may however, go to see Palin speak. I have gone to a couple of Tea Party rallies and I have to say - they were pretty interesting and the people were very nice. (That surprised me - I was expecting anger and mean people - but they were all normal and decent. Go figure.)


Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 4:56 p.m.

Can I dress up like Dave Letterman when I see Palin?


Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 3:56 p.m.

Palin is smart like a fox. She knew that if she stayed governor she would screw something up. So she took the book money and ran. And now she's following in the footsteps of Limbaugh and Beck. News entertainment! Sometimes I wonder if they really believe the things they say, or is it just for the money!

Macabre Sunset

Fri, Mar 19, 2010 : 3:08 p.m.

Obviously the timing is intentional. And I would think whatever the president has to say is more relevant at this point. But I worry about this Tea Party movement. It seemed like an honest attempt to bring a fiscally responsible faction into American politics. Since neither major party is willing to anything other than deficit-spend our economy into ruin (California and Michigan being the result on a state level of those policies). Unfortunately, just as when Perot made third parties seem real in 1992, the religious right is rushing in, full-tilt, to derail this movement. They already have the Republicans, for the most part. Why can't they leave well enough alone? I have as much interest in Palin leading this Tea Party movement as I have in Mel Gibson leading AIPAC.